Stay Safe, Stay Clean
In New Zealand, the Herpes Foundation reports that 26.8% of women and 17.3% of men have genital herpes, with a staggering 80% being unaware of their infection. Furthermore, 80% of sexually active adults will contract HPV at some point in their lives, a disease linked to cancer. New Zealand is also experiencing a rapid increase in Syphilis cases. Considering these alarming statistics, having your own personalized doll ensures a disease-free experience tailored just for you.
Stay Honest
Imbalances in libido can strain relationships and marriages. Our real love dolls provide a faithful solution that can restore balance and harmony to the partnership, without any messy complications.
Three’s a Crowd
Except when involving a doll. Couples desiring threesomes have found real love dolls to be a no-strings-attached way to fulfill this fantasy. Introducing a third sexual partner in the form of a doll can add excitement and spice to a relationship, leading to unexpected and thrilling experiences.
An increasing number of individuals, ranging from professional artists to amateur enthusiasts and portrait painters, are finding inspiration in life-sized dolls as artistic subjects. While real love dolls may not respond to commands, their lifelike qualities allow them to maintain poses indefinitely without fatigue. Moreover, they don’t charge hourly rates or require licensing fees for the finished artwork.
They’re more than just sex dolls. A significant number of customers use them for activities ranging from cuddling on the couch to being sleeping companions. Many users express a profound sense of comfort, with some even claiming it provides them with the best sleep they’ve had in years.